DOWNLOAD SkyMap Pro 11.0.6
Chris Marriott's SkyMap Pro 11 is a CD-ROM planetarium and star-charting program for Microsoft Windows 98 or later. Written by astronomers, for astronomers. SkyMap Pro is equally suited for use by both the casual "star gazer" and the serious amateur or professional astronomer, although its feature list will appeal especially to the more "advanced" user.
SkyMap Software is based in Cheshire, England. The company was founded in 1990 by Chris Marriott, a professional physicist and software developer with a life-long interest in astronomy. The company's main product - the SkyMap planetarium (after which the company is named) - was first released in February 1993 and is now a market leader in this very competitive field.
About SkyMap Pro 11
SkyMap Pro 11 is a sophisticated star charting and planetarium program. It can display the sky as seen from any location on earth for any date between 4000BC and 8000AD, showing fields of view ranging from the entire visible sky down to a detailed telescopic "finder chart" for a faint galaxy. The program also provides a powerful set of tools for observation planning and recording.
Although SkyMap Pro 11 has the power to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding user, the program is easy to learn to use, and is primarily controlled with the mouse using simple "toolbars". A printed tutorial manual and detailed "on line" help system provides extensive operating instructions and reference information.
SkyMap Pro 11 is the end result of almost 20 years of development work (work on the program started in 1986) and the program is used by many thousands of astronomers all over the world. The program's evolution has always been primarily guided by feedback from existing users of the program, thus making it the ideal tool for use by the practical amateur astronomer.
Amongst the basic facilities of SkyMap Pro are the following:
- Easily move the map around the sky, zoom in and out, and rotate the map with a single key press or click of the mouse button.
- Display more than 15 million stars as faint as magnitude 15. The 2.5 million brightest stars are displayed with (approximately) their true colours.
- Display more than 200,000 deep sky objects - star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and so on. Virtually every object which can be observed in a typical amateur telescope (and many that can't be!) are included in SkyMap Pro's extensive databases.
- Display the positions of the Sun, Moon, and major planets. Positions have an accuracy of a small fraction of an arc second.
- Display the names, official boundary lines, and "stick figures" of all 88 constellations.
- Display the positions of all known asteroids and comets. Updated asteroid and comet data can be downloaded free of charge from this web site, or automatically updated from the internet from within the program.
- Display a wide range of different coordinate grids and scale lines showing altitude/azimuth, RA/dec, ecliptic and galactic coordinates.
- Display pictures of more than 15,000 astronomical objects from the picture collection supplied with SkyMap Pro. If the computer is connected to the Internet, a picture of any object can automatically be downloaded and displayed, or you can add your own photographs and CCD images to create your own custom picture library.
- Add your own "annotations" to a map, including text labels, lines or arrows, eyepiece field of view circles, camera and CCD field of view rectangles.
- Display a photographic "background images" on the star chart. This can either be read from the RealSky® CD-ROMs (not supplied), or automatically downloaded from the Internet.
- Print high-quality star charts on any printer supported by Windows.